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Date Posted: 22:25:16 07/06/04 Tue
Author: Dark Angel
Subject: *within the reflection*
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*MY Anger Consumes*~*" on 17:55:38 07/06/04 Tue

(ooc- sorry! everyone was so INACTIVE a month ago..i left. but i came back to see if you had replied and whoopsie! you did..lol! im back now to stay. so ill be here daily.nice to see ya again)
~*~ It had been a while since Dark Angel had walked onto the lands that she once so well trusted. but friends had become enemys or had left. and enemys had become insane..so she did what she always did. followed her heart to other places, different thoughts had stirred within the twisted mind of the demoness..but one had caught her heart in a turn of direction. the thought of desperado's soul..that stallion that she had met and grown to know. getting past a bit of his mystery and letting him discover a bit of her own. It had been quite some time since she had last saw him, she only returned to see him again..though as soon as she did, she had wished it a better day. for he was obviousally in a rage, perhaps her presence would calm him..it was risky, but looking into the eyes of the one she cared so deeply about was worth it. Bodess carried the Vix once more into the lands, nails trimming the earth beneath her. Steely eyes stayed upon him, as she heard his scream and replied quickly with an emotional shrill. one that clearly said loudly "i missed you" As the demoness slowed and started to carry her light frame up the hill he was standing upon, she gave him the first true smile anyone had ever seen from her..he was the first to recieve it. Ebon locks swayed lightly across her neck and one strand fell before her icy orbs, dancing in the wind that had gained speed around them. she let out a quiet nicker and let one tear fall to the earth, like a magnet.
"Desperado.." she seemed lost for words nearly drowned in emotion. "I have missed you.." was all that she could manage to say. time seemed to be frozen, she couldnt move..her heart wouldnt let her. it was his move. she wondered now..in quick thought. what would he do?~*~

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