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Date Posted: 13:42:54 07/13/04 Tue
Author: Dark Illusion
Subject: An Illusion of the Night
In reply to: Amadeus 's message, "- ave verum corpus -" on 01:52:10 07/13/04 Tue

Sorrowful, empty eyes watch as Dagger falls, watches as he takes his last breath, watches as he becomes nevermore. Her pelt shudders and with a quick sweep of her dial she looks away, Dagger was gone... gone... His last moments played over and over in her mystified mind, if only she'd known sooner of his emotional lost, if only she could have done something. To watch someone wash away from internal pain was something more to bare than that of physical. To know that someone drowned in sadness and you did nothing was even worse. She remains silent, closing her eyes as she savors his last presence, in a state of deep saddness to overlook the fact that she was not in her homelands, probably most likely uninvited. But she did not care, foe or friend Dagger had a piece of her heart, and she'd always remember him as The Dark's King.

No one heard the poor boy cry
Not even when he needed it most
No one fed the poor boy food
No crumbs, no toast
He'll cry inside
He'll cry so loud
He'll cry inside
Hidden by shroud
No one hears the poor boy now
No one ever will
No one helps the poor boy now
He's cold and lost and still
He misses life
He misses her
He misses time itself
He's drifting off
Alone, alone
He's drifting off
The poor boy's gone
Gone to dark from light
He's drifted off the poor boy's gone
Gone and lost in fright

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