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Date Posted: 14:24:23 07/13/04 Tue
Author: Firelight
Subject: .]Hells Bells[.
In reply to: Dark Illusion 's message, "An Illusion of the Night" on 13:42:54 07/13/04 Tue

She felt him go and her muzzle outstretched pressing into his nape. Occuli turned to the young stallion who lay as she did by the empty shell of Dagger. His own gaze captured by her own and she whickered softly at the lost look that came over him. Plush mug reached out towards Amadeus in hope of some form of comfort. Her own mind thrown into a numb kind of shock. Why, why did it seem everyone stallion she had ever opened up to died or left. Her father, her first mate, her brother, her grand-father, Adrian she even felt abandoned by. And now Dagger lay without movement and she gazed at him for some long moments before forcing herself to stand. Flickering gaze went to Dark Illusions. "Thank you for coming, I believe it was some comfort to him." Cool tones pressed from her coal proboscis lacking emotional undercurrents. She stood beside Amadeus her nose reaching down to nudge the stag before casting a glance at Desperado's Soul. He was her choice for Lead Stallion of Dark Evergreens. Next in line for that position was the other steed who lay next to Dagger. She stood motionless waiting for the young mascu to rise, there was nothing left she could do. And she hated feeling powerless but death was one thing that could not be changed.

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