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Subject: ~*~Forever Young....or Perhaps Not~*~

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Date Posted: 13:48:04 08/04/03 Mon
In reply to: C-hillingly Scary Ones Too 's message, "*nightmares*" on 06:03:46 08/04/03 Mon

The idea jolted her like a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky. Leave the hideout? Eyes wide, she gazed about her at the nearly secluded place. What did it really hold for her? Why did she stay so long here? Expression vaguely hopeful and more than a little terrified, she turned back to the stallion, her legs trembling in fear. ~*~Do you really mean it? Do you think it would wear off?~*~ The mere thought of traipsing about with her two nearest and dearest was enough to send her heart into a flurry of hammering beats. And growing up? Envisioning herself with a body to match her mind, the filly nearly shed her skin in excitement. Her elation didn't last however as a tiny thought nibbled at her mind. Who would be left in charge? Sure the place wasn't that busy but there had to be someone here......right? Wracking her brain, she thought of all the fillies she knew or had known in the past. Only one name came to mind--Mystery. ~*~Mystery can take over!~*~ she squealed, the words having the ring of 'Eureka!'. Tail flicking about happily, she scanned C's face for his reaction, would he be happy about her decision?

ooc: yes, i believe it's time for little miss belle to leave her hovel of misery and get out some. besides, i miss playing as mystery and that sort of wraps things up quite neatly :)

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...just the thought can knock your socks off...C07:36:35 08/05/03 Tue

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