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Subject: ...you rang?...

Criminal Illusions
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Date Posted: 08:02:57 11/15/03 Sat
In reply to: Silver Rebellion 's message, "~*~Chrysalis~*~" on 07:42:58 11/15/03 Sat

...it had been eons since the buckskin had noticed the mystical enchantment that the radiant rays of light decorated the fertile earth with. the sparkling designs bathed the grass with their warm, bright beauty. it had been so utterly long since the stallion had gazed up at the perriwinkle sky and reveled in the cool breeze that swept by at a leisurely pace and carressed the aged hide.

it had been 2 more long years that had dragged by, wasted by a pointless war that ravaged the countryside and had yet to cease. the scraggly ebony mane had augmented a few more inches and the formerly charcoal tail had lightened a couple of shades to a sun-faded black. his eyes were the only feature that remained the same--forever bright and curious. neither the mud-coated hooves nor the burrs caught in his thick winter coat could detract from the aura of calm stability that surrounded the bold creature.

a slight rustle in the woods caught the stallion's attention as he caught sight of birds hustling around and squirrels tussling over that last acorn. the cold months were setting in and the whole forest was in a bustle to prepare. all of a sudden, a noise that was all too familiar and yet not from the forest entered the pricked lobes. in his peripheral vision a flickering of light proved reason to investigate. in reality, it was the sun dancing on the mare's silvered hairs, but he was at much too far a distance to come to this conclusion. continuing closer at a cautious amble, the Mustang approached within one hillside of the mysterious horse. a quick peek from the side provided all he needed to know...............it was Belle!

whinnying wildly, the stallion broke into a quick-paced trot and sped over to her side, worry evident in his eyes. what on earth was dripping from her whiskers? was she....*gulp* knocking on death's door? he whickered softly, obviously too daft to realize the water was from the stream right beside them...


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~*~Indeed I Did~*~Belle13:46:37 11/16/03 Sun

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