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Subject: Important dates ERG 4/10 15/10 15/11--con notes--also Sydney expected.

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Date Posted: 03:34:23 10/02/02 Wed

Court appeal delays unified ticketing push By Joseph Kerr, Transport Reporter August 17 2002
All aboard ... the ticketing technology would cover all transport modes, including rail, light rail, bus and ferry.
The NSW Government faces a further disappointing delay in developing a unified ticketing system across all Sydney public transport after legal moves yesterday.
US-based Cubic Transportation Systems lodged a holding appeal against a Supreme Court decision in July which dismissed its claims of flaws in the tender process for the project.
At stake is an estimated $100 million opportunity to develop a ticketing technology which would stretch to all transport modes - including rail, light rail, bus and ferry - across greater Sydney as far as the Hunter, the Illawarra, and Lithgow.
A Cubic spokesman said yesterday a notice of motion had been lodged with the Court of Appeal, but the specific grounds of appeal had yet to be released. The tactic is understood to give the company three months to file a formal appeal with reasons.
Cubic has been challenging the NSW Government over the way it has handled the project, after its competitor, Integrated Transit Solutions - owned by ERG and Motorola - won preferred tenderer status. ERG has an existing smartcard system operating across several modes of transport - including the metro network, buses and trams - in Rome.
This week, ERG lost a contract to overhaul Brisbane's transport system to Cubic.
In his findings, Supreme Court Justice Michael Adams was initially highly critical of the way Cubic had operated, describing "positive dishonesty" and "reprehensible conduct" during the tender process.
The Cubic spokesman rejected the judge's "characterisation of Cubic's conduct".

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Incorrect report on convertible note details West Australian 2/10 ERGanonymous13:42:41 10/02/02 Wed

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