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Subject: The Stranger

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Date Posted: 20:08:01 05/05/04 Wed
In reply to: <3 heartb.roken 's message, "<3 s.trangers b.reak h.earts t.oo <3" on 17:32:04 05/05/04 Wed

The Stranger

You may never understand
How the stranger is inspired
But he isn't always evil
And he isn't always wrong
Though you drown in good intentions
You will never quench the fire
You'll give in to your desire
When the stranger comes along

Don't be afraid to try again
Everyone goes south
Every now and then
You've done it why can't someone else?
You should know by now
You've been there yourself


The male lowered himself to a sit, however the fang did not disappear. Buster was born cautious, yet he was also born with common sense, something a great deal of this hell-hole's inhabitants lacked. Shame on them. Also, the Rottweiler mongrel was advancing in his years, as the other had correctly determined. He was probably four times the age of the bitch below. But then again.. that was his own personal estimation. Unexpectedly, the dog quivered. He had not exactly predicted a return growl from the female. The black and brown, his spare time obviously copious, had already determined three catagories in which females who growled in reply could fit into. One, those who were pushy bitches. Buster knew plenty of them. IE Gucci. Stay away. Two, those who were moronic. Ditto. Three, those who were brave. The roughed-up male hadn't actually encountered many of this type. In turn, the dangerous brute stared contemplatively into the soft brown yet strong eyes of the female.

Through the inky darkness, Buster offered a solitary nod. It was equivalent to a "whatever". However, other direct translations could also lead to "you're safe". The definition could be considered ambiguous. It all depended to what extent the recipient wanted to use his or her braincells. They rarely did anything at all.

Then again, this bitch seemed to be no ordinary bitch. She was oddly intriguing. Loosely, his forepaws slid across the smooth surface of the rusting dumpster, lowering himself into a down position. Large paws hung from the rubbish container's edge. "Buster." The Rott offered his simplistic yet legendary name. Or at least it once was. The male's spirited career of Cascade terrorism had tarnished long ago. He was now practically just a fading image, forgotten by many if not all. Others tried to make their own name notorious, but for the most part they failed. That job stank. The dog really could not understand why others attempted to strive for such dismal success. It was fun for a while.. and then suddenly it wasn't.

He left it at that. Just his name. Buster would let the female do whatever she wanted with that.


The streets can be are always cruel.

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<3 b.roken h.earts <3<3 heartb.roken20:56:12 05/05/04 Wed

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