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Subject: :: Duo ::

Death Toll and Bloody Sunset
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Date Posted: 18:42:56 08/09/04 Mon
In reply to: Toner 's message, "::Bang bang, your dead::" on 11:01:31 08/09/04 Mon

Sunny was a note faster than Toll, his own rumble much deeper than the norweigian elkhound as his head dipped between his shoulderblades and his grumbling stopped. Large paws took him two steps forward, shoulder brushing against the sable German Shepherd unless he moved, the idea of losing his meal not sitting kindly on his stomach. "Not your territory, lady. We've been here for years, and its marked as ours."

Toll kept a head back from Sunny, he was faster and could move forward much more easily than the larger dog. Besides, his breed had been bred especially for killing things four and five times larger than he was, his thick coat a burden in the warmer climate here but still a good armour against bites. And he wasn't about to remind Sunny that they were five steps out of their marked area.
"Sunny's right, unless you're looking to join our little duo, miss." A tone less intimidating than he had used with the cop-dog. There wasn't anything wrong with another set of eyes, another set of teeth, another set of paws.

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queen of the streetsRaven19:49:06 08/09/04 Mon

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