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Subject: Re: Dion is at it again!

Dale (Hi Bob, gents)
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Date Posted: Wed January 05, 2022 18:42:58
In reply to: Bob 's message, "Dion is at it again!" on Sat January 01, 2022 10:20:58

Over the past 10 years or so, I have commented on this topic multiple times, at length.

Rather than do that again, I will just say that I hope beyond hope that Dion's warped version of the event are not taking hold, and in particular, that his "version" is NOT represented
in the forthcoming film.

This is not only important for historic truth, it's also
important that Waylon and Tommy (and Buddy!)are not
disrespected so egregiously.

My comment about Dion is that he is either seriously delusional at this point, or truly diabolical.

If it's the first, I some some pity for him.

if it's the second, he is using the wretched technique of repeating a falsehood so often, eventually just enough people will believe it to sew a few seeds of doubt.

The Wikipedia page about the crash is a sad example...

The monitors in their moo-moos, slippers and hair nets have
allowed both "versions of the truth", and will not allow an addition with the simple direction to seek Tommy and Waylon's own words of the event on youtube.

Thank goodness both of those dear departed gentlemen
tell the logical truth as first described in detail in
John Goldrosen's ground breaking book circa 1975.

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Re: Dion is at it again!MikeFri January 07, 2022 00:17:13

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