saying that, can you see how it is quite easy to be skeptical of the 1000.00 per month rate in 1959?
Using your current figure of 5000.00 dollars per month for
the same apartment, that amount converts to a value of 518.00 in 1959 dollars.
With normal inflation as part of the equation, 1000.00
in 1959 would give that apartment a rent value of over 9000.00 per month today.
If your research indicates the Brevoort has been subject to rent control at various times in it's history, I could see
how the 1959 stated rent 0f 1000.00 might have increased
at roughly half the rate of inflation in 63 years.
Also, was I incorrect in stating that Waylon was quoted as saying Buddy's rent was far lower that 1000.00 in '59?