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Subject: Re: Buddy's New York rent

Roddy Jordan
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Date Posted: Mon February 14, 2022 14:21:41
In reply to: Dale 's message, "Re: Buddy's New York rent" on Sun February 13, 2022 18:22:14

Firstly, may I apologise for the amount I showed you.

The figure was $1100 a month not $1,000 as I previously stated. My apologies.

You are correct in raising the fact that inflation has a lot to do with what that money would be worth today. I have a degree in Economics and based on my calculation the equivalent today would be approximately $8,562 per month with many factors taken into account.

The house next door to us is a 4 bedroom property and the rent there is $3200 a month. That is a house so one can only wonder what the apartment may be. Circumstances change such as area whether it was more affluent back then? Therefore there are too many variables to ascertain a true picture of the situation.

Property as you know is governed by three factors: Location, Location, Location!

Regarding your comment on Waylon, I am unable to answer that question as I never spoke to him about matters such as we are discussing here but one wonders, how would he know? I am aware he and Carl stayed with Buddy and MEH prior to the last tour but only they would know what discussions transpired between them.

As an aside, you may be interested to know that the man MEH married after just 17 months after Buddy died lived on the 4th floor on the same building.

All of this is in my book 'Legacies' which is now out of print.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Buddy's New York rentMulliganTue February 15, 2022 08:05:37
Re: Buddy's New York rentAaron YostTue February 15, 2022 11:06:44
Re: Buddy's New York rentDale (apologies Roddy)Tue February 15, 2022 17:38:03

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