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Subject: ()Ride Until You Fall, Then Get Back Up And Do It Again()

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Date Posted: 18:20:12 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Machete 's message, ".u n d e r s t a t e m e n t o f t h e c e n t u r y." on 11:14:30 07/25/03 Fri

() Eager rhythm irrupted in the colorless dame’s tail. She was glad to see the familiar face of a welcoming friend. The front legs of this God created beast relaxed, having been prepared to leap back and deliver their bearer from the angry change of the others. Her eyes danced with relief at the welcome. Her flag was raised slightly as it gave it’s own wave in the wind to greet the friend. Her words, however, were corked back as the male approached. Ears perked and tail was lowered with no thought. She hadn’t come for a battle; he’d claimed the land she’d lost. However, she was willing to give it another try now that she had nothing upon her slate. His tone bit at her like the sand in the face of a charging rider. It stung as it made contact with her form and thoughts. Throat clenched tightly, one more breath quickly stolen from the other’s domain. She had heard of his arrival, but that wasn’t why she’d come back. That was just life…it all happened at once. She had been torn away from the world she loved for way to long and was just now being able to stabilize herself into it again. She nodded a greeting, but even with respect to be shown, her eyes wondered. Voice was lost somewhere in the woods that surrounded them, and she struggled to find it. ‘Has anyone seen my children?’ It was instinct for her to worry about them first, that’s all she had left in this world. Four bundles of joy that had saved her soul the day her beloved had died. She was back, to mother and love the children that had loved her and saved her from her own destruction. How would she explain to them, though, that she’d hadn’t willingly left them behind? Maybe time would tell, but she prayed it’d speak soon ()

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.d i d y o u f o r g e t y o u r w o r d s m o m m y d e a r e s t ?Machete19:02:28 07/25/03 Fri

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