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Subject: .d i d y o u f o r g e t y o u r w o r d s m o m m y d e a r e s t ?

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Date Posted: 19:02:28 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Enchancee 's message, "()Ride Until You Fall, Then Get Back Up And Do It Again()" on 18:20:12 07/25/03 Fri


He speaks dryly, motioning for two balls of juvinile fluff to scurry beneath his legs. One of them was greyscale, a downy ball with brilliantly vibrant eyes with wandering clarity. One blue, one green. This one was Astra, and she had learned so much in her mother's absence; none of it good. Behind her, a raspy ball of fir which Machete nudged to a position beside his sister--Turby, no doubt. And true to character Dage was close to follow. They were raspy and jutted, bones jarring. The wounds upon their souls were deep, physical and emotional; but both forms were healing steadfast as they clung to the only legs they trusted--Machete's.

"I found them here."

He stated bluntly, emotion ravishing furiously in his eyes--although he seemed heartless, misplaced life is a subject he would love to undertake with the one before him.

"It was my understanding that you no longer wanted them--they were no longer your pups; that you were to disown them. That is what I heard from you anyway. Or have you perhaps, changed your mind now, at your humble return?"

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Walking Amongst ShadowsShadow Walker19:46:57 07/25/03 Fri

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