Subject: I'm laughing so hard |
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Date Posted: 10:06:38 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to:
's message, ".j u s t a l i t t l e h u m o r." on 15:09:37 07/26/03 Sat
The thick pelt shifted, as her haunches silently touched the ground, a few feet away as she sat. Her thick plume lay motionless on the Earth beside her. No surprise was shown on the stoic features, except a lazy blink of the sapphire eyes, but the mind behind the emotionless chips was twisting.
Khastain? Dead? Evidently the neutrals she had been with for awhile didn't stay up with the latest news. But onward. So that would make this wolf, the king...king. She scoffed, what was that but a title. A lucky chance to be born to someone who felt themself important and got the stupid people to follow and post them up on a wall proclaiming them king. This one would have to prove to her his worth. Oh, she would respect him as her leader- at least until he proved he couldn't do that- but her better? No, that was saved, until he actually could actually prove it. King, she still scoffed. Who would want such an easy was into recognition.
All this taken in, in another lazy blink of sapphire, and heavy 'auds caught his voice. Her name? Her still rough voice, scarred by life, spoke, "Most call me Tetrianni. Don't like the mouthful, call me Tetri." Her voice almost insolent, yet the gaze cast quickly to his features showed no sarcasm, no joke. She simply stated what he had asked.
Her mind went back to his geneaology. Her gravelly voice spoke again. "So you being 'king'..."She added a lttle sarcasm to the title. "...or what not, are you starting-or finishing- a war? Most likely to...complete this work of war with the lights?" She asked him, voice nonchalantly neutral. Blue eyes slid up to his their 'lids never moving once, stil remaining eerily half-closed. Large paws shifted on the Earth, her muscles slightly tense. These attitide-filled royals were never predictible. She half-expected an attack, and the tense muscles invisible beneath the dense coat were ready.
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