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Subject: Re: SNR programming director

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Date Posted: 21:16:32 11/01/05 Tue
In reply to: lafleur17 's message, "Re: SNR programming director" on 15:56:44 11/01/05 Tue

>I'll repeat what i said earlier, technically you are
right but when you totally ignore your loyal clientel
in business you're running the chances of getting

i believe i acknowledged chuck's loyalty to the listeners.

your business analogy doesn't quite work for this reason: you don't have tangible capital invested in the show - er, a potential show. if you were an advertiser who plopped down 50 grand for air time, then you'd have a right to ask for specifics about who's negotiating for what and when (or if) the show will happen at all.

"kiley & booms" are entertainers, just like movie stars and musicians. they have fans, not customers. and both of them have lives outside broadcasting. i can understand the frustration when rumors don't pan out. i was disappointed, too. but there could be other factors at work here (i.e., chuck's family situation, accomodating him and kevin in two different places, gag orders on contract negotiations, etc).

what kind of update did you want on the "letdown"? they were supposed to start on a certain date and they didn't. with a little deductive reasoning, i figured out they probably weren't going to get the gig. it sound as if you're looking for reasons, and those are irrelevant because neither you nor i can do anything to affect them.

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