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Subject: Re: Hi and a confession

Yem knows all
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Date Posted: Monday, February 10, 11:11:18am
In reply to: Miss Cellanea 's message, "Re: Hi and a confession" on Sunday, February 09, 07:45:19pm

Well my view is jaded. I was essentially asked to leave that site (though I was leaving anyway...it wasn't fun after Shoots left) because I spoke my mind and the sm (he doesn't deserve capital letters) couldn't handle it...naturally I'm not their supporter. The sms always seemed rigid to me. Neither seem to have much of a sense of humor and seemed very inflexable and intolerant. They also seemed to suck up people's adoration for them. These are just personal observations and obviously could be wrong.

They are very protective of their site and sometimes appear to go to idiotic extremes to defend it. I'm also not sure that they are the most mature people in the world (I know, I'm the pot calling the kettle "black")

Between the two, he seemed less rigid and somewhat more friendly. I think their ethical standards (dealing with people on that site) could be questioned too and that is why I left.

It is a great site but they put their fingers in the pie far too often. It would be a better site if they allowed someone else to tend to the day-to-day business. They need to remember one thing: That the members of that community are their customers, NOT their servants.

I'm done, now lets talk about me!

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Re: okay...here's the story(s)Becky RaeMonday, February 10, 08:56:56pm

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