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Subject: Shepherd Painful Flashback

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Date Posted: 18:59:30 01/25/04 Sun
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "Zidane rebels" on 15:06:31 01/11/04 Sun

Rikku suddenly looked at Shep and her heart skipped slightly.What was wrong with her?He glanced at her with one meadow-green eye and her heart sang in a slight whisper.
Shepherd stared down the moutain slope-more like a cliff-and wondered how they would possibly get to the bottom.HIs tail puffed out as he thought angrily about all the tough luck he was having.
You're a DEMON!You stupid child!Part demon,it will follow you everywhere!You're father was a demon!How am I suppose to live with this...this..mutt!
Shep's lip trembled in anger as he remembered the words Kiana's father said to him when Shep was very young.It wasn't his fault!
Kiana's father had been right.The demon that he was, followed him around everywhere and destroyed their plans.He felt like screaming.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.It was Kiana.
"Shep,are you okay?"Kiana asked.
"No.I want to scream."
"Because if I don't,I am seriously going to kill someone,"Shep whispered.Kiana stepped back,and Shepherd let it all out.
The funny thing was it sounded less like a scream then it did some wild animal roaring.His tail bristled out as far as every delicate hair could reach.He tipped his head back,closed his eyes and it all exploded from him in a second.As he screamed the memory came back.Kiana's father coming back from The Great War and seeing Shepherd for the first time and realizing what Shep's mother had done.

"What is this?WHAT IS THIS!"Kiana's father screamed at their mother.She shrunk back,tears filling her eyes.The man suddenly grabbed the back of Shepherd shirt and pulled him to his face.Shepherd squealed as the man began to dig his fingers in the back of Shep's neck."It's a freaking demon!"the man howled.The boy shuttered in pain and fear.Suddenly the man grew calm and said,"Kill it.""No!"Shep's mother screamed."Are you going to just destroy everything...our life?Love?I swear,if it doesn't die...you will!"

"NOOOOOOO!"Shep found himself screaming.Kiana grabbed him and shook him,telling him to calm down.He stopped screaming and shuttered.
"Shepherd-Shep-how could you remember that,you were only three!"Kiana cried.Shep fell to his knees.
"How did you know what I was thinking?"Shepherd whispered.
"Because you were saying the whole dialogue.How can you possibly remember that?"Kiana gasped.
"He killed her..."Shep moaned."He KILLED HER!"
Suddenly Shep burst into silent tears,leaning over on the groud in a position that looked like he was about to hurl.Kiana leaned down and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"And it's all my fault..."
Areo laugh wickedly as she watched Shep fall to his knees.She had helped trigger the memory for him and his miserable tears were as sweet as candy to her.
"Can't stand the truth little Shepherd?Don't worry,I'm not finished with you!"she laughed at the pool that was projecting the image.

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