Subject: Losing |
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Date Posted: 17:45:37 02/23/04 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "Watching Over One Another-That's What sibling's Do" on 06:18:21 02/23/04 Mon
Wakka entered the lockerroom, he tried to have the enthusiasm that the rest of the team was bound to have. They were finally breaking their losing streak! They had a chance! "Okay, guys. All we need to do... Just pass the ball to me, awright? I'll take care of the game for you."
Doesn't mean I'll win it, though.
His head was pounding while he was swimming to the center of the sphere of water. He knew that they could win it... but would he be strong enough to lose this game?
Mikoto anxiously watched Wakka from the stands. "Please don't win this," she muttered to herself.
"Have a bet going?" a cheerful man next to her asked.
"Err... yeah... you could say that." She turned away from him, hoping that he'd stop bothering her. Don't do this, Wakka, she silently prayed. You don't know what you'll get yourself into.
The whistle blew and the ball was let loose. Overtime had begun!
The Goer opposing Wakka for possesion of the ball had swiped it out of his hands and swam to the Auroch's end of the sphere. He shot the ball to another Goer and an easy goal was scored.
"Fifteen sixteen, Goer's favor!" the announcer shouted.
The rest of overtime flew by in a blur. Then, at the end, Letty had a clear shot for the tying goal. He watched the ball, as if in slow motion, moving towards the net...
Without thinking, Wakka grabbed the ball before it could go in. He couldn't let them win...
The buzzer rang, sealing the Goer's victory.
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!" Letty shouted. Wakka only stared at him. He wasn't sure himself... but he knew that if he didn't do that, it'd be worse for all of them.
Suddenly, he remembered...
"Great game, Wakka!"
He only half-smiled, still pre-occupied by his brother's death. Why did he have to die?
"You were really great... Close game, too. Fifteen sixteen."
"Yeah." He only nodded numbly.
"What were you doing in the end, though?"
Wakka stared blankly at the fan. "What are you talking about?"
"Why'd you block Letty's shot? You could've gone into double overtime!"
Wakka swam out of the blitzball sphere, numb from all that had happened in such a little time.
Mikoto met him once he was out of the lockerroom. "You did good," was all she said. "Now... we have to go back." She took him into a dark room that looked something like a utility closet. She took Wakka's hands in hers and closed her eyes in concentration.
The next thing he knew, he was on a freezing mountain ridge.
Mikoto collapsed from the effort it took her to bring them back to the present. Wakka carried her into a cave for shelter and waited for her to wake...
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