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Subject: Watching Over One Another-That's What sibling's Do

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Date Posted: 06:18:21 02/23/04 Mon
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "Mikoto's warning - part two" on 06:04:44 02/19/04 Thu

Kiana could not sleep that night.Besides the fact her sleep was haunted with nightmares,she was afraid Kalek would come,and she wanted to protect her brother if he did.
Thinking about protecting her brother brought her back so many years.From the day Shep was born,it seemed her purpose was to protect him.It got annoying some times,but now she was scared for him.
He was sleeping deeply.She could tell by his heavy breathing.Every once in a while he seemed to be caught in a nightmare,though he didn't wake.He would start kicking the ground and sweat would form on his brow and his breath would quicken.Then he would fall out of the nightmare,grow calm,and start sleeping deeply again.
"You don't know how much trouble you get me into,"Kiana mumbled.but to her surprise,Shep answered her.He was still sleeping,yet somehow he heard her voice.
"You have no idea"he mutter softly,"you think you're watching over me,but really I'm the one watching over you."
Kiana thought about it for a moment and then said,"You know what,you're right lil' bro'.You have been watching more closely then I ever have."
"See,told you,"he mumbled.Kiana sighed softly and finally fell asleep.
"Where do you suspect we start?"Marik asked Auron.
Auron thought for a moment.His thoughts drifted to Shepherd,Kiana,and Wakka for some strange reason.He started with Shep.Areo would try and hurt him,so how would one hurt a demon-hybrid.
"Do you know where any demons are located?"

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LosingTawny17:45:37 02/23/04 Mon

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