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Subject: Acaru and Cobalt

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Date Posted: 18:25:41 02/29/04 Sun
In reply to: Tawny 's message, ""It's time we stayed put."" on 16:57:12 02/27/04 Fri

Kiana and Shep had now got into the town but all Shep would say was,"Didn't that sound like Tidus?"
It was getting extremely annoying and Shep was obssessed with it.That's she saw her.
"KIANA?!" someone screamed.Suddenly, a blonde girl trotted up to Kiana. She was all grins and hugged Kiana happily,it took Kiana a moment to realize who she was.
"A-ACARU!?" Kiana hugged the blonde girl back. Shep stared with his brow raised.
"It's been so long!" Acaru cried.
"I know!"
The two girls both began screaming at the top of their lungs.They both stopped as they realized that a bunch of people were watching them.
"Well,were is-"Kiana started.Before she had time finish,Acaru put her fingers in her mouth and whistled.Something black raced towards them and stopped at Acaru's feet.Acaru leaned forward and stroked the little cat-boy and he purred gratefully.
"Oh,Cobalt!"Kiana cried happily.She fell to her knees in front of the strange creature.Shep noted that it was pretty tiny.Kiana hugged it in her arms and he purred louder.
"Oh,I missed you too!"Kiana cried happily.

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Mikoto explainsTawny09:00:06 03/02/04 Tue

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