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Subject: Re: Someday You Will Have to Do Something

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Date Posted: 16:46:50 05/02/06 Tue
In reply to: Dlila 's message, "Someday You Will Have to Do Something" on 17:25:05 03/03/06 Fri

Oh my God Dlila, your post was food for my soul!! I just had an abortion on friday and i feel so awful. I am constantly asking people if their is any relief from the pain and no one is letting me know. Right now i feel as though this pain will never ease, but reading your post let me know that there was going to be some sense of relief at some point. I know that i will never hold my baby, kiss her boo-boo's or tuck her in but some day i'd like to get past this, not forget her, but move past this and move on. I am a part of an organization that does a lot of community service, i will try to do a lot more to help out others and i pray that God and Jesus watch over my baby. I wrote Madison a letter today, i wish i could visit someones gravesite and ask them to watch my baby for me, maybe i'll go to my grandparents site and ask them to do this for me. I still have those Mommy senses, i don't want her to feel any pain or be subjected to any harm. Thank you so much for Sharing, you are living proof that you never forget but you can move on at some point!

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[> Subject: Re: Someday You Will Have to Do Something

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Date Posted: 10:11:50 05/05/06 Fri

Hi. I was glad to see your message. I had 3 abortions over the years, and I have recently realized that I have never dealt with it. I have always walked alone in a blanket of shame and disgust. I am a christian woman, and I know that it is forgiven by Christ. The problem is I cannot seem to forgive myself.

I have begun searching for a place to heal. I now know my God-given purpose, and that is to help heal others or possibly detour them away from the biggest mistake of their lives.

Thanks for listening.

[> [> Subject: To Alta

Diane Cheryl
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Date Posted: 22:33:52 05/10/06 Wed

Dear Alta,
I'm sorry to hear your story. Please visit these websites http://www.hopemonument.com and http://www.operationoutcry.org
Let me know if you would like a packet of post abortion healing literature. Please email me at DCHERYL51@yahoo.com

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