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Subject: Re: Someday You Will Have to Do Something

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Date Posted: 13:19:07 09/28/06 Thu
In reply to: Dlila 's message, "Someday You Will Have to Do Something" on 17:25:05 03/03/06 Fri

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for that post! I'm going in for an abortion in a week, and I'm so scared of not only the physical pain, but the emotional as well. I just found out I was pregnant 5 days ago, and ever since, I've been on the verge of crying. I've been depressed before, so I don't doubt that it might happen again. But seeing your post makes me feel a lot better, because I've already done volunteer work, and I just signed up to be a big sister... which helps youth in the community. Thanks for the post again... It gives me hope for the future!

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[> Subject: Re: Someday You Will Have to Do Something

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Date Posted: 23:34:31 01/01/08 Tue

I am 54 and had my late term abortion when I was 24, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think why did I do that. Why didn't I give my baby up for adoption. It was a terrible experience, going through labor and delivering my dead baby. I feel like a monster still. I've tried to find a way to go on and feel forgiven but I cannot forgive myself. I had a 2 year old at the time too. The man I was with couldn't hold a job and I was on welfare. I tried working but he didn't watch my daughter good and I found her asleep on the floor. I have grandchildren now and felt sad when they were born because they reminded me of what I don't have. I love them very much but I don't feel good about myself. I wish I could find a way to accept what I did but I still harbor it and it has taken over my last 30 years of my life.

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