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Date Posted: Monday, January 17, 12:49:58pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: Re: Fanon, probably. (r)
In reply to: Nell 's message, "Fanon, probably. (r)" on Monday, January 17, 11:46:27am

I think if I were going to make an assumption it would be that she *was* interested in moving up/out independently from Paul....but I'm honestly not sure if that is based on what canon presented us with, or my own view of what a talented and intelligent woman *ought* to want to do.

I'm not sure I would make your assumption, either. Saying she was "interested in moving up/out independently from Paul" is one thing, and saying that "she wouldn't exclude that option" is quite another. I'm an adherent of the second interpretation, but probably not the first. But let me explain myself a little more below.

Do you think she had personal ambitions for herself inside Section/Center et al separate from her partnership with Paul? (not in opposition to, just her own and not necessarily linked with his....)?

Yes. And no. To make any sense, I think I might have to rephrase the question.

I don't think she had "personal ambition" in the same way that Paul did. Rather, I think she had a firmly-held view of what was *right* for the organization, was completely convinced that she knew "what was right" better than anyone else, and was zealously determined to see that "what was right" was carried out.

I also believe that, at least for the moment, Paul's leadership fell into her definition of "what was right" -- that he thus "fit" within the scope of *her* own ambition, even though she might have denied that it was ambition at all. (Although I would argue that it *was* a form of personal ambition -- while she may not have cared about being officially in charge, her actions were driven by her own ego and pride in assuming that she knew what was best -- and to me, that *is* a kind of personal ambition, even if not the traditional one.) But I also believe that the moment Paul deviated from what she thought was best for the organization, in her own personal view of it, she would choose to go her own separate way.

So, in a sense, she was already pursuing a course independent of Paul, because I don't think her loyalty to him had anything to do with suppressing her own ambition.

This might not fit your view of what an intelligent and capable woman "ought" to do, but it's my best encapsulation of what I saw in the character.

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