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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 27, 02:04:40pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: Oh! Now that I've actually read the link you provided (r)
In reply to: Nell 's message, "Tuesday Roundup (why? Its Tuesday of course!)" on Tuesday, June 27, 08:52:53am

There's one thing she said that makes a lot of sense:

2. Character-hate is rarely about the flaws of a given character in and of themselves. Mostly it's probably stemming from something like one of the following:

- the effect of a character on the fandom (McShep, anyone?)
- the effect of a character on the canon and/or another character (classic example: the girl who gets in the way of the popular slash pairing)
- belief that a character's flaws are abnormally overlooked by the 'verse in which they exist (a selfish character who is treated/rewarded as though s/he were unnaturally selfless)

My reaction to Nikita in canon was *absolutely* determined by factor number 3. And I think my evolving reaction to Michael (of whom I had no particular opinion in canon, but whom I dislike more and more over time) has to do with factor #3 as developed in fanon.

However, the original poster also said this:

Someone who consistently likes characters I hate and hates characters I like? We would probably not get on all that well in Real Actual Life.

That hasn't been my experience. In fact, some of my fondest friends in fandom consistently like characters who "oppose" my own favorites. We can argue with each other (all in fun, of course) and spar good-naturedly from fandom to fandom!

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