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Date Posted: 09:42:53 09/16/07 Sun
Author: Cheryl
Author Host/IP: 121.sub-70-221-229.myvzw.com /
Subject: Lisa.........
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Re: Hhhhmmmmnnnnn..........Lisa......." on 07:25:39 09/16/07 Sun

....I would have never in a million years shared with anyone the story that you just revealed. Even being as upset as I was that you made the remarks about Butler that you did, your story was safe with me. You told me something in confidence, and that's where it stayed. Lord knows, I was not trying to throw anything in your face. I apologize if you felt that's what I was doing.

You came down pretty hard on Butler, although you have never mentioned any of your feelings to me before. You painted a picture of him being dominant and aggressive and he has never been either.

There was no "truth to hurt" on my part. Butler was in the wrong in GA (that's the truth); I corrected him. I wanted to know if I was on the right track in the way I had corrected. With my first statement, I was trying to subtly remind you that I wasn't describing something in Butler that compared to your experience.

Your advice to me was not the problem; the way in which you offerd that advice is what I had trouble with. As I would have never outed your story, I was shocked that you would openly accuse Butler of the things you did. I really beleived we were better friends than that and would have welcomed a dicussion about your concerns privately.

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