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Date Posted: 07:25:39 09/16/07 Sun
Author: Lisa
Author Host/IP: adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: Hhhhmmmmnnnnn..........Lisa.......
In reply to: Cheryl 's message, "Hhhhmmmmnnnnn..........Lisa......." on 11:24:21 09/15/07 Sat

well it sounds Like you don't need any help from me than. I won't post or e mail to you again...
I have had one incident with BEAN and that was a bizarre fluke that I have not shared with others, and it has never happened again and will never happen again as it was totally my my fault for having my dog off leash. I learned a hard lesson so please don't throw that in my face. I know I was wrong and that my dog was wrong and I owed up to it all including getting a trainer to evalute her and talk to me about her over the phone... and I owed up to that by paying a 2,500 vet bill and having to live with myself for what she did. so PLEASE do not say anymore on the topic. it is irrelevant here. you know how upset I was. I am just seeing a lof of dominance in Butler with other dogs including my own in the beginning when he got here. AND I just wanted to offer how you can work on that, as I have done with my own dogs.
Cheryl sometimes the truth hurts and I was only being honest with you about Butler. we have dogs over all the time and both of my dogs have never shown any aggression with other dogs in my own home/yard so I know my dogs were not at blame here for what happened when you came over. so do not bring Bean into the picture, we are not talking about her here.

I will end this now in saying I wish you and Butt Butt the very best but you seem to have it under good control and he is seeming like a perfect dog...and I won't post to you again so need to worry about me anymore, what ever!!!!!!!!.



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