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Date Posted: Mon August 20, 2012 12:34:42PM
Author: Northern NJ Voyager
Subject: Alternator?

About two months ago I had an issue that I suspected to be electric (non-battery) related, but ultimately determined to be a bad battery (wouldn't take a charge). Replacing the battery resolved the issue.

I'm having the same issue again -- thus, I suspect something else is truly the cause.

A few days ago, while riding, and after having ridden a 1500 mile trip without issue, the bike started to backfire heavily, sputter, and stalled out. DEAD BATTERY.

In the two months prior, I've had to battery issues and never a sign of low battery.

I'll be pulling the battery, attempting to charge and will be disconnecting all accessories attached to battery. I'm hoping the battery takes a charge and would like to fully test out components that could affect this. Alternator is the obvious, but other items I'm sure could be tested.

Can anyone provide a list of what I should check and perhaps steps to check?

If the battery is in fact dead and won't charge, then something must be killing it... is this possible?

Thanks much...

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