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Saturday, February 22, 03:01:08pmLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 16, 06:54:26am
Author: Henry1879
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Forest game

One of the finest performances of the season for me; given they’re exactly the negative type of team, who didn’t come at us until they had no choice, that we often struggle with. I think you saw first hand the benefit of rotating v Wigan, Raul, lukic, Berge, Traore, Iwobi and others all looked powerful and full of running for 90 mins. I’d actually give Raul man of the match, thought he was outstanding, winning headers, flicks and tricks, holding the ball up, working like it’s the last game he’s playing, just a quality all round effort. Also think although it feels a little prescribed, you’re seeing why silva often takes him off at 60/70 mins even when playing well. Enables him to empty his tank and preserve his energy, he’s 32/33, but playing with the energy and enthusiasm of a 21 y/old. Poses a question for end of the season, there aren’t many CFs in the prem I’d swap for Raul whilst he’s playing like this and if you want to upgrade it would be a huge sum of money needed.

Forest were as I expected, negative and waited for moments, but we were brilliant at not over committing and snuffing out danger when it looked threatening. I honestly think they're a decent mid table team, but have a keeper and a CF having seasons of their life and have barely had injury, Bournemouth, villa, Chelsea etc better teams, I hope forest drop down and finish outside champs league. Thought Anderson had his best game for a while, won loads of headers. Find the fawning of wood a bit much, in terms of I’ve seen it described as a great touch and finish, when it hit the back of someone and his shot was deflected into the corner, otherwise would have gone straight into leno’s arms.

Felt like this game was gonna be another, better team better chances, but no clean sheet and somehow come away with just a draw. But as I’ve been calling for ages, finally a goal from a defender and our set pieces are finally starting to produce something. So many games are won by a set piece here or there, could prove the difference between Europe or not by end of the season.

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