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Saturday, February 22, 02:50:07pmLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 10:04:17am
Author: eganonoa
Author Host/IP: pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: The proof of what I'm saying is in the fact that poster says it works in Edge but not Chrome. They're both at core the same browser these days since MS moved Edge to chrome. So why does it work in one, not the other? Settings and what the poster has used before. For me, I don't use stock "Chrome" on either desktop or mobile, but now have unfettered access to tiff on both using never-before-used completely stock Chrome browser.
In reply to: TT 's message, "Like you say, the SSL certificate is invalid so Chrome stops you. Chrome (Google) is notorious for security but it can be overridden in developer mode. Redirectig http to https is done server side and DNS has nothing to do with it at as the A records are the same and sends the request to the server with no idea if it is going to a secure or unsecure website. If it's a Linux box the .htaccess file redirects http to https and if it's a Windows box it's normally handled by the web config file..." on Monday, February 17, 06:39:25am

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  • So, as I say, while the underlying cause of this issue is the certificate expiry and HSTS enforcement by voy, it has ultimately nothing to do with why the poster above can access voy on Chrome but not reply, but can reply via Edge. The differences between the two browsers (neither of which are security-focused browsers) that the poster is experiencing are almost certainly due to settings, extensions and past use. Easiest thing for people to do is just use a stock browser they don't use for now. (NT) -- eganonoa, Monday, February 17, 10:08:43am (pool-108-18-149-21.washdc.fios.verizon.net/

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