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Saturday, February 22, 02:59:20pmLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: Friday, February 21, 04:49:27pm
Author: Ted White
Author Host/IP: host86-169-175-112.range86-169.btcentralplus.com /
Subject: A bit of Light Relief!

This lunchtime I met up with some guys, who I used to see very often whilst working in insurance, up until 2004, and one guy, a Forest fan, who never stopped telling me and others that he was voted 'Fan of the Year' back in the 90's actually congratulated me on Saturday's win and the 'fantastic' performance all our players put in.

However, he told me that, as he now lives in Wimbledon, he is unable to get to hardly any Forest games but because his Great Grandson is now a real fan, he met up with several members of his 'extended' family for the game and they all stayed over on the Saturday night.

The thing that he said that made me laugh is that the kids loved walking along the river from Hammersmith Bridge, even though it was raining but the real highlight was the burgers purchased from the wagon outside JH stand. Although, quite expensive, all the grandkids and his great grandson agreed that they were the best they had ever tasted and far better than those sold near the City Ground.

Although, I hardly miss a home game, taking my great niece and great nephew, as we have season tickets in the JH, I have never thought of purchasing a burger from that wagon, although sometimes the smell of fresh cooked onions is always tempting. I have now promised the kids to buy them one tomorrow.

Could it be a case of 'We do not appreciate something that is right under our nose'. My great niece and nephew are pretty fussy so I await their judgement!

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