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Subject: Hey we got a room you're just intruding

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Date Posted: 17:33:17 08/18/09 Tue
In reply to: tarot 's message, "not this again. honestly, the two of you." on 15:43:07 08/18/09 Tue

Alicia had been taking comfort in his hand on her own. The feel of his cold hand was still warming from the inside out – mushy yes but she loved it. As he moved away suddenly she realized just how strong the pull for their guest’s blood must be. Mix matched tones glancing towards Tarot than Zeth, standing between the two as she spoke softly. “Zeth in the bathroom, get the peroxide and anything the pixie’s left for healing.” She doubted Tarot would want anything to do with the tiny sprite like creatures but they’d helped Alicia out of enough tough situations she knew that their magic would help in this situation where her own mental powers could not.

Seeing the gem clatter to the counter top, Alicia quickly scooped it up to keep it out of Zeth’s reach. She doubted the male would wish to lick it clean but even so she rather not test the theory for anything. Tarot seemed rather attached to the object after all. Blinking as the wave of guilt-laden apology hit her though as Tarot began to change or strip before them. An inward curse was given as she turned towards Zeth and without another word ordered him out of the room with a mental shove.

As she did this Tarot let out a mini-rant and Alicia turned her full annoyance on the fairy mixed one. “Listen. I am not their mother. I did not breed them. If I so wish to have a child with Zeth I will do so. I have never been insane either, though I have had my moments where I thought it might have benefited me had I been.” She added this almost under her breath before continuing. “Now if you are going to continue insulting me while I am doing my best to help you…” She paused thinking on what she’d said about finding Brillian, maybe she could do that – after all Brillian and her did have a small understanding, surely it’d be better to meet her than if Zeth went. “Zeth. Bring me a bathrobe.” She needed to cover Tarot up and soon. “Now lets get that blood stopped so we can try to have an actual meal and conversation without all the drama.” Blonde locks brushed from her face as she took the step towards Tarot, waiting on Zeth to get the robe and required items from the bathroom. Hopefully that’d give them enough time to clean up most the blood before he returned. She wouldn’t hesitate to toss him against the wall if he lunged, but she rather not ruin their new wall paper either.

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.:.oh snap!.:.zeth18:09:49 08/18/09 Tue

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