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Subject: bawhahahaha yessss indeedly doo

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Date Posted: 22:18:43 01/20/11 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, "EWWW NO!" on 21:42:18 01/20/11 Thu

‘Yeah. That’ll happen when you have a big baddy trying to make a tasty morsel out of you. I got my ass beat but he definitely knew I was there.’

Balin hesitated as he stooped down, pausing for a moment before executing a search and destroy mission for the antiseptic. Neosporin was so greasey and Balin, well… he’s hardcore. Right next to the Monistat 3 was a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Just in case, he didn’t bother to stand up. If he collapsed and tried catching himself with his face again, it’d hurt a lot less being closer to the floor. Makes sense, yes? And fall on his ass he did as he poured the liquid into the open wound.


Given the option, he probably would have flailed around on the ground like a fish out of water as the germs burned their way to hell. BURN GERMIES BURN! MWAHAHAHAHA! Even if Balin did have the uncontrollable urge to just flay that part of his body clean off. I might have hurt a lot less.

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ick. Im gonna be sick.Zeth22:26:45 01/20/11 Thu

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