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Date Posted: 11:52:31 04/18/02 Thu
Author: Jade
Subject: It was a graveyard smash
In reply to: Ravin and Tia 's message, "Monster mash" on 12:29:21 04/17/02 Wed

“You have been gone much too long, and I have missed you immensely."

Jade was somewhat surprised but not at all displeased at Erlic's words. She returned his soft kiss, lifting one hand to lightly run her fingers along his bearded jaw. She smiled. "I did have a few things to take care of," she replied with a wink.

"You're just in time as usual," he continued. "Seems Argus has discovered a trap door in an old supply store, one that had been magically trapped. The fun is just about to start."

"What a perfect way to celebrate my return," she said with a smile.

The party made its way to the supply store but before entering, Erlic pulled her aside, kissing her passionately as he held her tightly. She resisted the urge to moan with pleasure but returned the kiss heatedly, feeling a deep desire well up within her. "Now make sure you be careful," Erlic said, smiling. Jade returned the smile, her fingertips brushing his lips. "Of course, darling. And you the same."

They entered the supply store with the others and went down through the trap door. They found themselves in a large cavern and before Jade had much chance to even look around Corum sent up a great cry of "IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME!!!!!" Erlic pushed her behind him and she began to prepare a spell, hurriedly pulling the charms from her belt pouch that would enhance her own magic.

She stepped out from behind Erlic just as he sliced a zombie in two. She turned toward a large group of the rotting undead things and hurled a fireball into their midst. Several continued to shamble forward while burning but they fell to the ground in a heap before they reached her.

She pulled out a dagger and flung it at another Zombie which had gotten uncomfortably close to her. She could smell its putrid flesh and nearly gagged. "The aroma of these creatures leaves something to be desired!" She noted unnecessarily.

When she heard the sound of stone moving against stone she knew it could only be one thing, and her eyes turned to the sarcophagus which was the focal point of the room. Sure enough, a Lich began to rise from the sarcophagus. "Well, looks like the fun really begins now," she said sardonically.

Any mage knew that a Lich was very powerful and very evil. A mage who had given up his humanity and mortality to become more powerful in the ways of magic... but was now an undead thing that lacked much in the way of conscience or ethics.

"Ravin! Watch out!" She shouted as the thief charged the Lich. But it was too late and Ravin was hurled back by a spell the Lich had cast. Jade knew he was lucky to be alive. As Ravin struggled to hurl his dagger at the undead thing, she saw Isobel move around behind the creature. To distract him, Jade pointed her palms at the Lich and cast a weak lightning spell.

The Lich barely noticed, but then it suddenly shrank back hissing loudly at Argus, who was approaching the thing with a holy symbol held aloft! Jade watched in amazement as the man seemed to seethe holy fire, his concentration on the Lich so great that he didn't see a Zombie moving toward him. Quickly Jade hurled another dagger at the zombie, impaling its eye and sending it crashing to the ground in a heap.

"This is certainly a festive welcome back," she said to Erlic, chuckling.

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  • Undead! I hate those things! -- Argus and Isobel, 12:13:15 04/18/02 Thu

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