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Date Posted: 12:13:15 04/18/02 Thu
Author: Argus and Isobel
Subject: Undead! I hate those things!
In reply to: Ravin and Tia 's message, "Monster mash" on 12:29:21 04/17/02 Wed

Argus accompanied the others to the supply store. He hesitated only a moment before descending the ladder through the trap door. He half expected to be zapped again. But there were no further traps and the party made its way into a large chamber with several passages.

Central to the chamber, Argus saw, was a large sarcophagus up on some sort of raised platform. He growled softly, knowing that this was an unholy spot, indeed.

As if to confirm his suspicions, a large number of zombies suddenly rose up, shambling toward them. Argus raised his glowing mace and swung at the head of one of the zombies. To his utter amazement, the head popped off and flew across the room. The body crumpled at his feet.

Argus grinned. "Ay think Ay LIKE dis mace!" He shouted to anyone listening. He turned and smashed the mace into the side of another zombie, crushing its ribcage. Another blow to its head finished the horrible creature off. He turned to meet another zombie, yelping as the thing slugged him in the shoulder. He responded by bashing the thing's skull in.

The sound of stone scraping on stone filled the cavern and Argus, much like the others, turned to see a sight that sent a thrill of horror through his body. A Lich was rising from the sarcophagus!

He knew none of the others had the training to combat undead that he as a cleric had. Though he was only an Acolyte, even the lowliest member of the priesthood could cast spells that would destroy undead. He didn't know for sure if he had enough power to destroy a Lich, but he was sure he could at least hurt the thing.

He pulled his holy symbol from inside his shirt and held it aloft, chanting the prayer to Turn Undead as he made his way toward the Lich. He was barely aware of Ravin going down under the Lich's spell, and he didn't see the zombie that was moving toward him (fortunately Jade had seen it and taken it down). He felt himself burn with a profound outrage at the unnatural, unholy nature of the disgusting creature before him. It was the embodiment of blasphemy -- an affront to the gods.

The Lich had begun to hiss and shrink back from Argus' approach. He cast the spell to Destroy Undead, directing all his power toward the evil creature that stood before him. Though, as he had worried, he was not powerful enough to actually destroy the Lich, it screamed in pain and moved backward, trying to cast a spell. It succeeded, and Argus was hit by a bolt of lightning that slammed him to the floor twitching and screaming.

At that moment Isobel struck from behind the Lich, taking its head off. She was thrown back by some strange force that was released as the Lich and his head crumpled to the ground. Argus' spell had weakened the creature enough that Isobel was able to destroy it.

She quickly hurried to where Ravin was. The zombies had begun to mill around aimlessly now that the Lich that controlled them was gone. Occasionally they would attack, but it was now easy to destroy them and soon the menace was over... for now.

Isobel felt Ravin's shoulder and arm, checking for broken bones. The terrible cold spell that the Lich had cast was threatening to freeze him. "Argus! Quickly!" She shouted.

Argus picked himself up off the ground groaning. "Give me a minute, woman! Ay was just nearly killed by a Lich!" he groused as he made his way over to the pair.

He looked Ravin over. "It's a nasty spell, dat one," he noted. He cast a healing spell on Ravin hoping it would work. "Ay don't know if dis will help cure magic ills, but Ay think so," he commented. He really didn't have much experience with these things yet. After all, he'd almost never left the temple back home!

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  • Bugging the Zombies -- Barry, 12:16:53 04/18/02 Thu
  • Nasty business -- Erlic & Corum, 19:39:35 04/18/02 Thu

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