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Date Posted: 09:46:28 04/22/02 Mon
Author: Marz and co.
Subject: But who won exactly?
In reply to: Rowan and Tristan 's message, "Winning and losing" on 22:32:02 04/21/02 Sun

When Ablina saw Rowan walking down the hall, she ran up to him and grabbed his hand. "You're my prisoner," she cried while pulling him to the kitchen. Rowan let her push him into a chair next to Jeremy. "You stay right there," the girl ordered, shaking a finger in his face before rushing off to resume her hunt. Justin and Benis moved to the counter to prepare a plate of cheese to munch on, leaving the three younger men staring at one another at the table.

Obsidian eyes met blue ones briefly before Marz lowered his gaze to his java mug. The damn elf continued to invoke desire within him! He wanted to pull Rowan back into the bedroom and hear his cries of pleasure as he took him completely. Marz shifted in the chair, his new arousal making his pants feel uncomfortably tight. "This is just raking great," he muttered. I'm in love with Tristan and in lust with Rowan.

"What'd you say?" Jeremy asked while pouring Rowan a mug of java.

"Wasn't important," Marz answered. He rubbed his eyes and fidgeted, wishing Ablina would hurry and find Tristan. His lover's presence would make him forget all about what he wanted to do with Rowan at the moment.

Jeremy edged closer to the elf then rested his hand on the older man's thigh beneath the table. His swollen eyes stared at Rowan, and a smile crossed his lips. "I took some painkillers and feel really good right now. We can share a room tonight if you want. I mean, there's no reason why we should sleep alone when we can be together you know. I'm not too injured to do stuff!"

Do stuff? Marz bit his lip to stop himself from saying what was on his mind. He doubted that Jeremy did much of anything with Rowan. The kid probably just lay there and let the elf do all the work. Rowan was the aggressor in that relationship like he was the aggressor with Tristan. Although Marz really loved taking a dominant role, he longed to be the submissive one every now and then, and knew Rowan craved the same thing. They had a lot in common when it came to sex. No wonder intense sparks of desire flew between them wherever they were in close proximity to one another! He glanced at Rowan, his eyes widening slightly when he noticed the bright red mark on his neck. I did that. Left him something to remember me by.

Marz chuckled, knowing that the elf probably had similar marks on his inner thighs. He took a sip of java then grabbed the cards and amused himself with a game of solitaire while watching Jeremy try to get Rowan to agree to spend the night with him.


"I am always submissive."

As soon as Tristan uttered those words, Noyko took on a more active role. His hands slowly roamed the length of the dragon's body enticing soft gasps from him. He nibbled on Tristan's earlobe and neck before moving to tease his nipples again. Noy paused for a moment to finish disrobing the Ryuujin from the waist down. Once the bothersome clothing was gone, he rubbed against the dragon while kissing him passionately. His hand eased down to stoke him again, softly at first then with a little more pressure.

When he sensed that the Ryuujin was ready to be taken, Noy rolled him onto his side and moved behind him. He was in the process of tugging down his pants when Tristan spoke a word that stopped him cold. "NO!"

Noy blinked. Had he misunderstood what was expected of him? He tried to embrace the dragon when he turned to face him, but was pushed away. What have I done wrong? he wondered, as he watched Tristan scramble to his feet and cover his body with the blanket. Noy eased his pants up over his hips then sat up in the bed. Feeling rather dumbfounded he simply started at the Ryuujin, unsure of what he was supposed to do now. He wanted to try and comfort Tristan but feared that might only upset him further.

"Go away! Get out, get out, get out!"

Noyko flew off the bed, a look of alarm coming to his face as he staggered toward Tristan, the Jann wine still affecting him somewhat. "I am sorry if I have displeased you, Ryuujin."

Instead of accepting his apology or yelling at him further, the dragon began to ask about Marz. "I will find him for you, master." Noy fled to the door and was met by Ablina. After the girl bragged about her skills as a huntress, and all the prisoners she had in the kitchen, Noy took her hand and led her there. He was rewarded by finding Marz sitting at the table. Ablina released his hand and immediately crawled into the ex-gang leader's lap. Noy took a deep breath before approaching the dark-eyed youth. "Tristan is in third room to right of this one. He is in desperate need of you."

A momentary puzzled look crossed Marz's face. He kissed Ablina's cheek then set her down in Rowan's lap before leaving the kitchen.

"I'm getting married to Marz," Ablina announced, while tugging on a long strand of Rowan's hair. "You and your friends can come to the big party we're gonna have after our wedding."

Noy sat down beside Rowan, a rather solemn look covering his handsome, young face. He stared at the mug of java that Jeremy pushed toward him but didn't drink. His heart was heavy with sadness because he had somehow managed to upset the beautiful Ryuujin.

Justin set a tray of cheese and bread on the table, instructing everyone to dig in before he went to help Benis prepare more java. Jeremy had removed his hand from Rowan's thigh when Marz set the girl down in his lap. He popped a piece of cheese into his mouth, laughing when he head Ablina say she was marrying Marz. When he glanced at Rowan to see his reaction to Marz's intended wedding, he finally noticed the red mark on his neck. "Where'd you get that?" he asked, reaching out to touch it.

Ablina giggled then poked a finger into Rowan's nose. "Somebody gave him a love bite!"


After entering the room Noy told him about, Marz let his eyes adjust to the semi-darkness before taking a look around. His brows shot up when he saw Tristan lying on the floor wrapped in a blanket. For some strange reason the dragon's pants and boots were tossed on the floor a few feet away from him.

Slowly he approached his lover and knelt down before him, frowning at the words he heard him whispering over and over again. "Ohhh, my Masha, I have sinned again." Was Masha some dragon god that he was praying to for forgiveness for some imagined wrong? Tristan was often too hard on himself, and Marz knew that it had to do with constantly being teased by other dragons when he was a child.

He reached down and pulled his lover into his arms, getting a whiff of the soap Noy had used in the stream earlier when he kissed Tristan's neck. "What's wrong?" he asked, while rubbing the dragon's back and rocking him gently. Although Marz had the strangest feeling that something had happened between Noy and Tristan, he wasn't about to presume anything.

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