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Date Posted: 18:25:17 04/28/02 Sun
Author: Jade
Subject: Oh my aching head
In reply to: Ravin, Noy, etc. 's message, "Rather party on Saturdays" on 12:19:01 04/28/02 Sun

Jade had recovered from the effects the poison rather more quickly than she'd expected. She now suspected that it was not in reality a poison but some sort of hallucinogenic drug that had coated the stone creature's claws. Why else would she have had such a vivid vision of her death, when obviously she was not dead?

Erlic helped her to her feet and after the group had made its way to the tree that they had been seeking (Jade gathered it had been some time now) she helped herself to a few of the branches, which she stuffed in her pack. She was glad she'd spent the extra money to buy the magical pack since she didn't know if she would have to carry these things around for a long time.

Suddenly Erlic dropped to the ground holding his head and she'd rushed over, concerned. It became obvious that it was some sort of psychic vision or the like when he announced that the people back at the tower were under attack.

So off they went to the tower, where they found it to be indeed under attack by a group that she was surprised to find were not the slayers she'd been expecting. It didn't matter to her who they were, only that they were attacking the people she had allied herself with.

Her eyes darted around the room in which they found themselves. It was rather crowded with fighting men and women scattered around the room. In one corner, however, she noticed a man who was simply standing there, not apparently doing anything. Then she saw his lips moving... just barely.

She realized quickly that this was a mage, and as he raised his arm pointing it at Isobel, Jade quickly moved, putting herself between the mage and the other woman. She quickly threw up a cone of silence over the other mage, preventing him from completing his spell. "Quickly! Someone take out that mage!" she shouted, hoping one of the others would get to him before the spell wore off.

Unfortunately the others were otherwise engaged and she sighed, hurrying toward the mage as she pulled her dagger. She would just have to do this herself. She was counting on the fact that most mages did not have a lot of skill in melee combat. She had trained in various aspects of individual combat as well as the arts of magic and she sometimes could use this to her advantage.

The mage lunged at her but she dodged his attack and brought her foot up to connect with the man's sternum. As the man stumbled backward gasping for air she leapt forward, stabbing the dagger into the man's gut. The static from the dagger caused the mage to shudder. Unfortunately at that moment her cone of silence failed and the mage hurled a magic missle at her. She dropped to the floor immediately and unfortunately the missile hit one of the Jann, severely wounding him.

Jade scrambled to her feet and quickly moved backward as she cast lighting at the mage. It struck him in the chest and, combined with the damage done by her dagger, worked to take him down. The mage finally lay twitching his last on the floor in the corner.

Just as she was enjoying the sight of her opponent dead at her feet she felt a sharp blow to the back of her head and fall forward onto the mage. She rolled over, her vision blurring, in time to see a man standing over her. Something happened to his head and it flew off somewhere. His body dropped out of sight and Jade saw Erlic standing there, katana in hand. She smiled. "Looks like you saved me again, darling. What would I ever do without you?"

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