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Date Posted: 14:49:19 08/27/03 Wed
Author: Crysknife
Subject: I think I have it....at least for my self
In reply to: Crysknife 's message, "Thoughts...." on 13:00:35 08/27/03 Wed

Leto couldn't have been invisible. Otherwise his prescience couldn't have been reliable even to himself. Once you have something you cannot see in the future(even if it's yourself), your prescience, while good for perhaps seeing an overall outcome, becomes useless when veiwed in detail. Even the best planner would do something he or she doesn't plan. Therefore, the prescience would always be changing to include these unplanned events. How could any prescience become reliable then? Leto's goal was to rid humanity of prescience to give us a free will and an unwritten future. Obviously, he could still see a written future at least untill Siona. If he was invisible himself, he wouldn't see a written future because he himself would be constanly fouling it up with his unplanned events. Unless you believe that he was working on instict rather than prescience.

Also, once Siona was born, Leto's precience became untrusworhty because there was something he could not see. Perhaps he never saw his death comming due to the fact that his prescience couldn't concieve of an alternate scenario with Siona in it. Therefore he never saw his death in his prescience. In his prescience, perhaps he lived many more years, but in reality, was murdered by something his prescience couldn't see.

I believe Leto wasn't invisible, unless I am later proven wrong by text in the books.

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