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Date Posted: 15:02:11 10/10/03 Fri
Author: theButterfly
Subject: See Spot. See Spot run. Run, Spot, run!

Well, I finished reading The Butlerian Jihad about a week ago, as I'm sure most people reading this did a long time ago, and I have a question: Why must these prequels always be so simplistic? You know what I mean: simplistic dialogue, explanations of everything, etc. Careful now! We don't want our readers to have to THINK, do we? Whatever.

Actually, my first prediction was right; it was about the same style and quality as the other prequels. The big thing that it lost was all of the really cool political games that made me want to jump into a Dune role-playing universe as the leader of a noble house, but it made up for that by gaining something that the others lacked: it actually succeeded in the role of a melodramatic space opera, something House Corrino tried to be but failed at completely--page after page after page of Abulurd Harkonnen getting fucked over by his family, of how much Shaddam can act like a spoiled child, of what evil tyrants the Tleilaxu are--wasn't THAT fun. The characters lacked complexity, but mercifully, they were not as paper-thin as Abulurd Harkonnen from House Corrino or the various characters in the "Hunting Harkonnens" short story.

So, the prequels so far:

House Atreides- B
House Harkonnen- B-
House Corrino- C
The Butlerian Jihad- B-

BJ could have gotten a B or even a B+, but there were some big problems that I'll nitpick later.

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