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Date Posted: 13:00:35 08/27/03 Wed
Author: Crysknife
Subject: Thoughts....
In reply to: Jim 's message, "Prescience" on 09:20:03 08/27/03 Wed

Idaho brings up some very valid arguments. And Ghanima being Leto's sister, I cannot see why it would take thousands of years to breed Siona. It should be a much shorter period than thousands of years.

But, there is the possability that Paul and perhaps even Leto do not have "perfect" prescience. This would explain why Paul failed to see Leto and every trap that was set for him that he walked into. Unless you believe he knew all those traps were to happen and he also knew there outcomes, which I don't. And wouldn't Leto know that he was going to succeed with Siona, and given that fact, his prescience couldn't extend beyond the point Siona was born with any reliability. So, the point beyond Siona was blind to him all along? What about the Typhoon struggle, or the threat outside the empire? And given his own invisiblity, how could he see his future and what he was to do?

No, I feel Leto wasn't invisible to prescience. In all of human history there was only one person who could have forseen him and that's Paul. I fail to see why this automaticaly makes Leto invisible.

But,I think Leto Saw the future and all paths to take, And was in fact, blind beyond siona all along. Although he could see the major battles to come because those things were comming whether he could see the "human future" or not. He just took the road that would give the human race a fighting chance. But, the question still remains: could Leto see himself in his Prescience? And if he could he would know when he was to die. Wich means he didn't have to see Siona to know his death was upon him. But, if he couldn't see himself, his death would be a surprise, esecially if the person killing him was also invisible. This is more like the way it happened in the book. So, maybe he was invisible.

Thoughts anyone?

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