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Date Posted: 03:50:51 12/02/03 Tue
Author: IDAHO
Subject: True...but the House books were Franks notes too...
In reply to: Cannabist 's message, "Rembmer though IDAHO....." on 21:01:58 12/01/03 Mon

Let's be real, though Frank left notes and outlines, they were not complete works of fiction and Brian and Kevin added their own stuff.

I honestly think that Frank left as many notes about the prequels or backstory to Dune as he did to Dune 7.

I mean Brian and Kevin have said that lots in the prequels was from Frank-

Mohiam being Jessica's mother- Frank
Gurney watching his sister tortured by Raban- Frank
The ancient enemy=machines- Frank
The relationship between Pardot and Liet Kynes- Frank
Count Fenring killing Elrood- Frank
Norma Cenva inventing Foldspace- Frank
Aurelius Venport marrying Norma Cenva- Frank
Erasmus- Frank
Slaves of Poritrin- Frank

And yet we still had a bunch of things that probably wasn't Frank too like House Vernius' lackluster storyline which isn't ever mentioned in the original books. My feeling is that Dune 7 is the same level of notes and outlines. and I have faith the authors will follow these notes accurately, but that they are not a complete work of fiction (otherwise it would have been published posthumously). We'll never know just how much detail there is in those notes unless they release them. But make no mistake, the Dune Universe now belongs to Brian and Kevin to play in. Frank made the sandbox, and started the sand castle, but Brian and Kevin are finishing the job.

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