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Date Posted: 22:37:21 12/10/03 Wed
Author: Sparqy56
Subject: good, next.
In reply to: chairdog 's message, "connections to the real world" on 21:26:49 12/06/03 Sat

Yes, I think that is a very good, and frighteningly correct response (if you focus on just government). But if you look at the American system, people are encouraged to participate-- through elections and free speach. Why is it then that so many choose not to participate? Do they abstain from participating out of fear they may make the "wrong" choice? Do they not participate because they believe that so many others are-- that they won't matter? Or do they really not care; has apathy taken that strong of a hold over this country?

I think it is just as important that we look at ourselves when considering such ideas. What have we done to participate. Is merely talking about it enough? What can we do, and what should we do to "live our lives" and not just let life happen to us?

This logically leads to the next question. What does it mean to "live your life?" If I participate in community activities and volunteer-- does that count? If I go climb mount everest and kyak down the missippi-- does that count? What if I devote my life to one goal, say-- the cure for cancer. Would that be a "wasted" life? Or does this have different meaning for everyone? If that is the case then how can the original statement be made? ("Some never participate. Life happens to them.")

If "living your life" is different for everyone-- how can someone else know if you're living it or letting it happen to you? How would you know?

As you can see, this one tiny phrase can be expounded upon immensely. I have to say that I've been rather dissapointed that only one person has responded. This forum has by it's own inaction proved this quote. I guess chairdog and I are the only ones that participate and live our lives. I challenge everyone here to participate-- and not let this forum become an example.

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