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Date Posted: 14:02:58 12/11/03 Thu
Author: Ghanima
Subject: The difference is purpose...
In reply to: Sparqy56 's message, "good, next." on 22:37:21 12/10/03 Wed

Purpose behind your thoughts and actions.
For example in the books, many Bene Gesserists simply marry and reproduce - but with a purpose in mind. This gives them a satisfaction and sense of achievement lacking in many modern mothers in the real world.
Was there anyone in the books who simply let life happen to them? It's very difficult to find examples. Perhaps the Fremen rebels against Muad'Dib, who found that their dreams of Fremen dominance had not brought them all they thought it would and were discontent. They had no sense of purpose, only a sense that they deserved something. I definitely think that applies to most people living in the first world today. Most people live without purpose, seeking only pleasure, and feeling that they deserve it although they have done next to nothing to truly earn it. Whereas someone who feels they have contributed earnestly often feels extremely contented to look at the fruits of their labors, however small.
Another example. Yuphies(young urban professional hippies) feel they deserve their organic tropical fruits and decry use of pesticides and herbicides in this country while fueling economies that exploit third-world labor and the oil-based economy those imports depend on. But let them grow their own apple tree, and you can bet they'd get a satisfaction out of an ordinary apple they grew themselves that they'll never get out of a guatemalan organic starfruit. But that's not the easy way. They are letting life happen to them, doing what they are told by their yuphie magazines, pretending they are participating, taking the path of least resistance. Some people are content to sit back and let life happen to them because that is the easy way.
To me, it comes down to a few factors:
1. Awareness
If you are not aware, you can never see the light. An idiot crosses a mountain range by going straight up and down the mountains. Someone aware seeks the most level path possible, even it means covering more ground. The path of least resistance is easily followed, but can lead to great obstacles. The path of greater intelligence and use of resources is not easy to follow, you must be aware and look for it.
2. Purpose
By this I mean actions with purpose. Giving your life meaning. If you do not feel like you are participating, it means you are being passive. This can be as small a thing as telling yourself the purposes behind your everyday actions. It goes hand in hand with being aware.
3. Finding reward through yourself, not others.
Anyone who has made a meal using food they grew themselves will know that no matter how simple or complex, it gave greater satisfaction than just in your stomach. That meal becomes a great reward for the efforts you have made in the garden and the kitchen. When you feel accomplishment from your actions, you take a greater interest in them and in yourself.
In conclusion, I think it comes down to intelligence and laziness. Some are too dumb to participate. Some are too lazy. I postulate that no one on this board is the former, but perhaps some of us are guilty of the latter, particulary when it comes to posting responses to interesting discussions.

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