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Date Posted: 02:44:54 03/02/04 Tue
Author: IDAHO
Subject: The Worm
In reply to: chairdog 's message, "maybe" on 21:35:01 02/23/04 Mon

Well it seems that you are right in the sense that the worm's presence has been sort of minimalized in the Dune series. At first it was this mysterious creature with unknown origins fabricating this awesome substance and seemed at least partially intelligent. I always felt that they had some grand purpose in how they interacted with humans...ie. someone put them there specifically for a reason that we had yet to find out. But as time went along it seemed that the worms were really just animals that people had heaped a godhead upon, not unlike the native americans did with some animals or the ancient Egyptians.

However, the worms are definitely special, not just because of the spice, but because they are the only creature that man can form a sort of sentient symbiosis with. I always thought of the worm as a thinking being (unlike bacteria or yeast etc. which humans also have symbiotic relationships with) and now the worms in a way carry on the legacy of human intelligence thanks to Leto's bonding with them.

Can other people bond with the worms though? Others of Atreides genetics? Why haven't they? An Atreides super warrior would not be needed to communicate with the worms as Sheanna has already shown that she possesses that talent.

That leads to a totally different question...what is the purpose and fate of the great worm in Dune VII and VIII???

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