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Date Posted: 14:54:53 04/21/04 Wed
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Some of your statements are fallacious
In reply to: anonymous 's message, "OK, it was a longshot" on 01:08:52 04/20/04 Tue

In response:

First I would say that it is pretty mean spirited to even want to hurt someone's feelings simply because you don't enjoy their work. Just don't read the books. That's enough.

Second, in response to what you said about Brian and Kevin following Frank's puported outline, I absolutely believe that they will. I mainly believe this because Frank's work is probably tremendous and Brian and Kevin would realize that it's as good or better than anything they could come up with. In addition, Brian and Kevin have repeatedly acknowledged that Dune is Frank Herbert's Universe. They will be true to his memory and finish off the story the way that Frank originally intended. If Frank meant to tie up all the loose ends, I can't wait to read it.

As far as whether or not Brian and Kevin would focus on "their own" characters at the expense of Frank's, I think that would really depend on what Frank intended. If Dune 7 & 8 take place so far into the future past Chapterhouse: Dune, the liklihood of certain characters being alive is negligible (unless they are brought back in Ghola form). But let's not forget that Brian and KEvin wrote the PRelude to Dune trilogy which focused on Duke Leto, the Baron, Jessica, Thufir, Piter, Duncan Idaho, Shaddam IV, Count Fenring, and Gurney Halleck in addition to a few of Brian and Kevin's own creations. So I am not really worried about them bringing back Vorian Atreides or Agammenon unless it is so specified by Frank Herbert in his notes.

I also feel the need to say that your statements regarding the invention of Spice aided instantaneous travel and the other technological inventions made during the Butlerian Jihad are false. In fact Herbert outlined in several passages of his books (I am thinking of god Emperor of Dune and the Dune Appendix specifically) that Space travel was indeed invented by Norma Cenva and Tio Holtzman was given credit. Those "unrealistic" instant inventions as you refer to them, were in fact Frank's history of Dune, not Brian and Kevin. All of that stuff was Frank's, Brian and Kevin just scripted Frank's plot.

In regards to Vorian Atreides and the Butlerian Jihad trilogy in general, I will say that I don't think they are nearly as good as the original Dune novels. I have had the same complaints that the characters aren't nearly as complex or interesting and that the relationships aren't as defined or as complex, but I still enjoy them for what they are: an extension of the Universe I love that is Dune.


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