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Date Posted: 01:08:52 04/20/04 Tue
Author: anonymous
Subject: OK, it was a longshot
In reply to: IDAHO 's message, "I'd have to disagree" on 18:25:04 04/19/04 Mon

You're right, a boycott wouldn't work. But at the very least a petition to the authors would hurt their feelings...probably not much since they're cashing in but they'd deserve it.

Does anyone honestly believe they'll be following this purportedly genuine outline? I've read a lot of sci-fi over the years, and every time someone new comes on board to "finish" someone else's story, they've always elevated their own characters at the expense of the originals (and of the story), simply to put their own stamp on the product. If Herbert and Anderson have an opportunity to make some reincarnated Vorian Atreides the hero of the story, you can bet they will, relegating whatever J. Herbert had in mind to the background.

Plus, as I've said, there will almost certainly be more of the annoying and contrived tying-together-of-loose-ends. Is it so hard to believe that in four thousand years people afraid of a prescient God Emperor would develop the no-globe? Or is it more likely that it happened in the Baron's lifetime, and that the Bene Gesserit conveniently forgot all about it in the subsequent millenia? J. Herbert's universe was one that evolved independently of the reader...technological innovations didn't all happen in a flurry during just those few decades chronicled in the books. Two lone scientists being responsible for all the cool leaps in science and technology for tens of thousands of years??? That doesn't just stretch credibility, it's plain laughable.

The writing in the prequels is laughable as well, and the character development is juvenile...Vorian's transformation seems well suited for a Hallmark Family Movie of the Week, but not for the Dune series.

I miss having interesting quotes at the beginnings of chapters, too.

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