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Date Posted: 18:37:41 03/10/05 Thu
Author: theButterfly
Subject: I guess so.
In reply to: IDAHO 's message, "Yes But what are we withour our Vices" on 15:42:32 03/03/05 Thu

Perhaps you're right. I don't know how to account for it, but this aspect does seem to be oddly missing. In those rare places in the novels where entertainment is mentioned, it generally seems to be just something in the background with little connection to the overall culture. But it's entirely possible that there's some significance we just don't see. Maybe after I read them a few dozen more times I can get back to you with an essay on the significance of that 3-D chess game in the culture of the Imperium. Or at least I could if I weren't too lazy.

>"If Brian or Kevin brought this theme into the novels at all, I would find it incredibly interesting and I would be very impressed if it were skillfully done. But I find it highly unlikely."

I would be much more interested in seeing them write a faithful narrative based directly and completely on FH's "full and complete outline." But I find this even less likely.

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