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Date Posted: 15:42:32 03/03/05 Thu
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Yes But what are we withour our Vices
In reply to: theButterfly 's message, "Interesting . . ." on 09:59:13 03/02/05 Wed

I would just add to not underestimate the cultural significance of media and entertainment throughout the ages and how it defines and is defined by our ever evolving societies and cultures.

Would people say that television has changed the way we live and relate to one another in the 20th century? I would absolutley argue that it has, just as the Epic stories and poems, myths, legends, plays, and art defined cultures of ancient civilization like Mycenean Greece, or Rennaissance Italy.

And yet, it is absent in Dune. Media as a cultural soporific or anasthetic as well as a system of control is incredibly present in our world today. Why would politicians and corporations spend billions of dollars exploiting it every year if it wasn't?

Control of information and media is one of our most powerful controls. And ultimately these forms of control are presented in the form of entertainment to be more consumable. It surprises me that this aspect of our world is completely lacking in Dune.

I think part of it was that Frank was writing it in the early days of Television and the ubiquitous impact that it had on culture in America was somewhat undefinable at that point in time. In addition, in constructing his sort of romantic, medieval, biblical world, Frank had done away with technology in almost its entirety and therefore any advanced forms of communications and entertainment is limited.

But in terms of relevance and addressing the sort of issues of modern existence, this aspect of Dune is lacking.

If Brian or Kevin brought this theme into the novels at all, I would find it incredibly interesting and I would be very impressed if it were skillfully done. But I find it highly unlikely.


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