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Date Posted: 17:16:23 07/24/03 Thu
Author: IDAHO
Subject: No worries Cannabist...I agree with you
In reply to: The Cannabist 's message, "*sigh* I give up." on 15:33:38 07/24/03 Thu

It's really easy to get frustrated when you argue a point on these boards and other's don't agree or understand and you just keep repeating yourself. I've been there.
but don't let it get to you.

Here's the deal gang:

Alia HAS male other memories. Like Cannabist says, you either have it or you don't. You don't just have one male other memory. Some personalities might be more dominant than others, but the others are still there. Also, there is incontrovertible proof in the text that Alia hears the Baron in Other Memory.

The fact that she has male Other Memory is most likely due to the fact that she has Atreides genes. It is said in the later novels that even females coming from the Atreides line can access their male Other Memories.

This does NOT mean, however, that the Atreides descendants or Alia are other Kwisatz HAderach superbeings. While part of being the Kwisatz Haderach does encompass male Other Memory, it also entails being many places at once. Basically the Kwisatz Haderach has to be male first of all, that is a defining feature of what it is to be a KH, the person can see male and Female other memory, and also the KH can see the past, present, and future all at once thus bridging time and space.

While Alia had male Other Memory due to her Atreides line, she wasn't able to bridge time and space like Paul. I believe the effort to attain Paul's power strained her so much that it made her more vulnerable to Abomination. This weakness was part of the reason the BAron was able to take hold of her.

Any Questions class?

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