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Date Posted: 18:59:34 07/25/03 Fri
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Prescience
In reply to: Ghanima 's message, "Question" on 15:49:19 07/25/03 Fri

Well the definition of Prescience means that you have the power to look into the future.
From what I remember, Guild Navigators and Reverend Mothers have limited abilities in this field.
It is talked about more in the sense of Guild navigators looking into the immediate future to fold space moreso than the Reverend Mothers.

Paul has the power to look into the future with spades. He can see the future sort of radiating out in front of him and usually focusing in on one or two critical moments or decisions.
But Paul can also see into the past. Not just through his Other Memory, but supposedly actually see the past and what happened. But again this isn't talked about explicitly.

Like you said, the most important thing is the Now. He can see what is going on anywhere at the present moment in time. In other words, if I had that power I could see what you look like and what you are doing at this very moment as you read this.
Alia does not have this power nor do Reverend Mothers. The ability to see the NOW is not exactly "prescience" since that term is directly in reference to the future.

But again, Paul can see the Past, Now, and Future all at one time and see how they converge and lead into one another. His mind can see sort of fourth dimensionally somehow.
I believe the only other one who could do this is Leto II.


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