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Date Posted: 19:15:26 07/27/03 Sun
Author: tvscks
Subject: Another point of view
In reply to: IDAHO 's message, "Well again" on 19:05:55 07/25/03 Fri

Of course, it's impossible (at least for me) to remember every line in nearly two thousand pages, but I seem to recall it explicitly stating something similar to what Chrysknife or Ghanima said about BG females avoiding the male side due to the certainty of abomination caused by the dominance of the male psyche.

Like IDAHO said, I don't recall it ever saying Paul could actually "see" the past like a projector, though I would assume he could see anything which was witnessed by someone in his memory in this manner. It IS stated that Leto II had this ability. He even views back to the genesis of life on earth, so it appears he isn't limited to the memories of human ancestors (unless the power is something mystical which wouldn't require a living thing to have witnessed and stored an event).

I always thought of prescience ability as a pitchfork. Parallel possible futures sprouting from a convergence (some event in the now, which would cause each of them). Some people, such as Paul and Leto II could see at least thousands of years into the possibilties (both saw the Golden Path). At the very beginning of Dune, the navigators first notice a problem, so their ability seems to be limited to either 1. a few years if the problem was Paul's victory on Dune (and the possible future in which he destroyed spice production) or 2. thousands of years with the culmination of various programs which hide people from their view. However, if the latter was the case, they would have known about Paul's coming way before he was ever born. Why they wouldn't have made sure he never came into existence in the first place leads me to believe it was the former.

Just my take on some things.

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